Essential Veggies Everyone Needs In Their Garden!

This article is all about very good plant options for you all to grow in your garden! Food is getting very expensive nowadays and more and more people are starting their own gardens! Freshly grown produce tastes way better than store-bought veggies and is way less expensive in the long run! Each of these is an amazing staple of meals and harvests everywhere and for good reason! Be sure to have fun growing your gardens and be proud of the work you’ve put in once you get to harvest!

Green Beans:


Green beans are very nice when freshly picked, very crisp and enjoyable. They are very abundant when it comes time to harvest them, but you might want to look into constructing or purchasing a trellis. If you do not want to pick beans from a vine or string, look into growing bush beans.



Spinach is also pretty nice. I personally do not like it when it is canned, but when it’s just a leaf it’s nice! Great for salads! Like the lettuce, spinach is best grown in well-rained and composted soil. Spinach can be planted all year long because it is able to withstand cold temperatures up to 15 degrees Fahrenheit!




Lettuce is awesome; great for salads, hamburgers, sandwiches, etc! Planting chives and garlic between each Lettuce head will help keep garden pests away. You will get the best results by planting lettuce in well-drained soil with good compost!



Cucumbers are another simple plant to grow in your garden. They are a vine plant, so a trellis would be a good investment for these. They are warm-weather crops, so plant them after the late spring frost. Plant them in well-drained soil with compost and ample sunlight.

Yellow Summer Squash:


Yellow summer squash is another simple one to grow. Similar to a vine plant, purchase a trellis or just let it run along the ground. Plant it in well-drained soil and give it as much sunlight as you can, because this plant is a sun hog.

Radishes and Carrots (Root Vegetables):


Radishes and carrots are simple to grow. They require to be directly sown and you will need to thin out clusters when the seedlings start popping up because they need room to grow. Good quality, loose dirt work best for growing these vegetables.

Bell Peppers:


Bell peppers are a common ingredient for cooking. They are very easy to grow. All you need to do is plant them where they will get sunlight all day in well-drained and composted soil. You will know they are ready when they get their signature bright colors. Like most other plants, there are different kinds and those have differing needs.



Tomatoes are also easy. Just like bell peppers, they love sunlight. Plant them in well-drained and composted soil and water them, there’s not much to it. There are many kinds of tomatoes so be sure to identify what kind you are planting and to identify what it needs to thrive and what bugs to look out for!

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